If you are planing to start learning web design/development and you came with some background of another coding language, than you'll probably have a learning curve to know how web design programming is different from programming in other fields...I know I did.
take it from me, web design programming is quite different from other fields. It's not hard, its just different. so if you don't to end up having the same frustration I did at the start of doing web design, and save yourself a lot of work time than follow these steps
PermalinkSketch Before Coding
In most other programming fields, you can just start coding straight ahead as long as you know the needed step. And dividing your project into small steps will be more than enough to help you finish it. But in web design it's a different story, coding before sketching is as good as saying "I'm gonna add extra hours into this projects for now reason at all". Here is the thing, web designing is a visual processes, and when you see your webpage constantly changing in font of you while coding it, you'll "slowly but surely" lose the image you had in your mind when you typed the first code, and it'll keep changing the longer you code (from the image position to the wireframe of your page), so it's necessary to have a sketch. A pen and a paper is plenty enough to sketch your webpage.
PermalinkOne Stage At A Time
Say you want to create a "Log in" button that''ll change color when the user hover over it and will have some animation when the user click on it. Don't just try to make all these styles when you just started building the website. We've all been there, thinking "I'm gonna code it later anyway so I might as well do it right now". but trust me, if you work that way you'll end up spending so many hours on those small effects while your website structs and basic styling is not even finished, which will give you a lot of frustrating time.
PermalinkLearn About Web Design Libraries And Services
You'd surprised by how many libraries and services for web design there is out there, there are libraries like bootstrap which will do most of the website structure for you, and services like webflow.com which makes designing a webpage as easy as designing a poster, it's good to always know about these services cause they'll let you build a quick prototype of what you want your website to look like(whether it was for yourself or to show it someone). But don't rely too much on them cause website built with these libraries / services tends to have the same main problem...they all look very similar.
that covers about what I have to say about web design coding, feel free to give me any feedback you have.